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Smoking: invite your slow death

Published by
David John   May 29th 2022, 11:44am

White staff, barely two inches long, brown on one and a threat to humanity. Tobacco has become one of humanity's worst enemies in decades. Every year millions of people around the world lose their lives due to the harmful effects of tobacco. When technically defined, tobacco is small, chopped tobacco leaves wrapped in thin paper. It is this tobacco in the cigarette that causes great harm not only to active smokers, but also to passive smokers. Tobacco contains germacrene, anabasine and most importantly, which alone is responsible for its addictive nature. When burned, nicotine, a psychoactive substance, enters the lungs and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the brain, leading to drug addiction such as heroin and cocaine. In addition, cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia from smoking are among the 7,000 chemicals produced. Of these chemicals, 25069 are carcinogenic. Carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco smoke include arsenic, benzene, beryllium, 1-3-butadiene, cadmium, etc.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that smoking alone was the cause of 5.4 million deaths worldwide in 2004 and 100 million deaths in the 20th century. There is a direct link between smoking and cancer in humans. And the cancers caused by smoking are not limited to the lungs. Smoking affects all parts of the human body and can cause cancer in any part of the human body. Smoking causes many types of cancer. These are just a few examples of blood cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer. In addition, smoking can accelerate the growth of liver cancer and skin cancer and is also associated with breast and prostate cancer. In addition, nearly 2/3 of the children of women who smoke (glo neosticks buy) during pregnancy develop genetic abnormalities that hinder their normal growth and development later in life.

So how does smoking kill?

Well, cancer-causing tobacco smoke causes cell mutations and leads to the breakdown of normal human DNA sequence, leading to the formation of tumors, often malignant.

The target group for smoke damage are young people, young adults. Peer pressure, a strong appetite for rebellion, a cool corporate image… all these factors make men smoke from a very young age. More often children whose parents start smoking at a younger age than other children. This smoking practice is influenced by family and society.

If the number of deaths from the harmful effects of active and passive tobacco is to be reduced worldwide, the sale of all tobacco products, especially cigarettes, should be strictly banned because of how long a normal picture of the tobacco lasts. with tobacco. packs of men warn of the deadly weapon?

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